Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day Two of My 30 Day Diet

Weight this morning 130.8
Weight yesterday 131.8
7.8 lbs to go
I'm feeling quite proud of myself because I'm taking back control of my weight, one day at a time. Okay, so I know it is only the second day, and yes, there are twenty-eight more days to go, but I feel confident that I will succeed with this endeavor- God willing of course. Really, who knows? If something else in my life goes terribly wrong, I may just hit the donuts and roll over and play dead. Today on my way home, I received a call from my roommate telling me the power was off. I immediately did a recount of all of the bills I paid this month, and after going through my mental checklist, I felt confident that I had paid the power bill, the past due portion at least. When I pulled up into my driveway, I was on hold with the power company. In my head, I had prepared everything I was going to say, like, "I paid my power bill before the date on the disconnection notice, so why is my power turned off?"
I walked into the house and immediately located my power bill receipt. Ah hah! I knew that I paid it. I rushed to show my roommate the evidence. I am not a complete loser after all, and I did not forget to pay the power bill. Turns out that there was a power outage in the neighborhood. Binge moment narrowly averted. I made a mental note to carry pretzels for those moments of panic and stress.
As I mentioned in my do's of the diet, it is best if you do plan what you're going to eat. This helps prevent you from starving at some point of the day and giving in to a fatty-sugar-sugar-and-more fat craving. Yesterday, I planned out my meals for today. What is so awesome about this diet is that even if you do plan, you can change the plan whenever you want. Just make sure you stay within the 1200 calories and within the allotted 25 grams of fat. If you check out my blog on low fat meals, you can see get ideas on how to plan out your low fat meals. Here is the plan I came up with:

Breakfast - 1 waffle (110 calories 3 fat g) 1/4 cup of Egg Beater scrambled (30 calories 0 fat) - I had 1 tablespoon of sugar free syrup 0 calories 0 fat. I used the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray (ICBINB) on the waffle and egg beaters, sprinkled salt and pepper on the eggs, and it was all dee-lish. It felt like a breakfast with a lot of fat, but it was far from it.

***Cooking tip - spray the waffle with ICBINB on both sides before putting it in the toaster. This cooks in the buttery taste, and it also crisps the waffle. ***

***Legal Note - I relinquish all responsibility for any toaster fires that may result as a consequence of you following my cooking tip. :) ***

Snack - 10 honey wheat pretzels (110 calories 1 fat g) - Just after the end of third period, I pulled two pretzels from the bag to snack on. A student walked in at that moment and shouted, "Gimme some!"
I used to be shocked when students demanded to have some of my personal food; now I've gotten used it. I handed over one of the two pretzels in my hand and proceeded to walk to the classroom door. Teachers are told to stand at the door in between periods to make sure no trouble breaks out outside. As I stood there, the student who demanded some of my pretzels stood with me recounting his minimal breakfast, a small piece of bread. He wanted more of my pretzels. I told him that he could eat at lunch like everyone else, and he told me that he didn't have lunch nor any lunch money. He also reiterated how hungry he was. I offered him half of my half of peanut butter/jelly sandwich that I had brought for lunch, but he declined. He told me he didn't like p&J sandwiches, and I retorted with, "Then you're not that hungry."
He smiled at that before going into his story about why he didn't like p&j sandwiches. Coincidentally, he and my mother share the same reason for their shared dislike of p&j sandwiches; both their mothers overfed them p&j sandwiches morning, noon, and night because that was all that was available. I felt sorry for him and for my mother at this point, so I told him that at the end of the period, I would give him some more pretzels. I ended up giving him the entire rest of the bag after grabbing a five more for myself. I didn't eat 10 pretzels yet, but I plan to add the 3 more to my snack later.

Lunch - 1/2 p&j sandwich, yum. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are one of my favorite lunch meals, but they are very high in calories and fat, and that is why I could only indulge in a half then, saving the other half for later. I use the low fat peanut butter; it has 6 grams of fat in 1 tablespoon, and I only used 1 tablespoon- no spreading it on extra thick. My bread has more fat in it than most breads. It has 2.5 grams per slice and 120 calories. Most bread is only 1 gram of fat per slice and 100 calories. The jelly is 50 calories for a tablespoon and has no fat. An entire p&j sandwich would be 385 calories and 11 grams of fat. So half of that is approximately 192 calories and 5.5 fat grams.

Afternoon Snack - I ate a little 100 calorie bag of Cheeze-its later in the day. It had 3 grams of fat.

So, by then end of my work day, my food calorie total was 542 and fat gram total was 12.5.

That leaves me with 658 calories and 12.5 fat grams for dinner and a late night snack. Some people could consume the 658 easily in one meal. But, if you're a smart dieter, you know how to spread them out. I have class in a bit here, so I have not yet finished off the day. However, I'm going to post the plan for the rest of my day, and I'll update if it changes.

Dinner - (Update) I ended up having the Garden Veggie Burger Patty (no bread) and a side of 1/2 cup of Cheddar Broccoli rice. First I heated the burger in the microwave for 1 min 30 seconds. Afterwards, I added 1/2 cup of prepared cheddar broccoli rice to the dish and I got a little wild and added just a drizzle of honey over the veggie burger before heating the rice and veggie burger for an additional 40 seconds. Turns out that a drizzle of honey over a veggie burger adds a whole new dimension of tasty goodness. This dinner was only 350 calories and 5 grams of fat.

After Dinner Snack - the other half of my p&j- yeah baby! 191 calories 5.5 fat grams (Update!) I ate this sandwich after class, so a little late at night. Probably not such a great idea to eat after 9 p.m., but I wasn't hungry during class thanks to my great dinner beforehand.

Coffee with 1/4 cup of fat free milk - Yes, I like coffee after dinner with two Splendas and milk. 25 calories 0 fat.

(Note) I drank 3 (1/2 liter) bottles of water today.

And, if I'm still not satisfied, I will have 5 more pretzels (really 8, but I already accounted for the other 3 earlier). 55 calories and .5 grams of fat. (Updated) I didn't have the pretzels. I was just not hungry enough.

I feel like a pig looking at all that food I plan on eating, but check it out- I am still under 1200 calories at 1118 calories, and under 25 grams of fat at 23

And that is the beauty of this diet. You can eat all day and enjoy the foods you like if you just plan it right.


  1. i'm so proud of you! and i want to join. maybe i'll take baby steps, though. for instance, no more snacking in class. it's way too easy to eat more than you really need (even want) when you're listening to a con law lecture. ahhh!!

  2. It'll be easier if we work together. No more candy during class lol.

  3. I did the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, the bread has to be white or buttermilk,woho! But I don't like just any jelly it must be strawberry perserves. I actually lost weight with this being almost a daily lunch or breakfast when I was in egypt...however the bread in Egypt is probably better or healthier lacking some of the preservatives like here. I will say that having to walk around in 108 degree weather on a reg. basis is another reason why I didn't pack on the pounds over there. I'm trying to not do sugar because it does turn into stored fat..even if it says o fat. Also finding that sugar can set in joint and contribute to joint problems and athritis.

  4. Sugar does turn into fat, but that is why you stay within your calories. As long as you don't consume more calories than allotted, you will not gain weight, no matter how much sugar you eat. You could eat 1200 calories in straight sugar and 0 fat, and stay a healthy weight; the problem comes in where you said- too much sugar can cause other health problems that don't pertain to weight. Thanks for commenting :)
