Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 5 of My 30 Day Diet

Weight this morning: 127.4
Weight yesterday morning: 127.9

Fridays are my favorite day of the week. Usually, Friday is the hardest diet day because of the feeling of a need to celebrate the weekend. However, today I did quite well. I started the day off right with a cup of Corn Flakes for breakfast and a cup of coffee. The coffee I sipped on throughout the morning, and it abated my hunger. I didn't bother with a snack at all which is a little amazing. After work, I made dinner instead of lunch. I had a medium sized potato which I sliced and fried in I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray (ICBINB) with garlic pepper seasoning, garlic salt, raisins, and diced onions. I then cooked some ground chicken, again fried in ICBINB, and included some taco seasoning. To accompany the chicken, I heated up three corn tortillas. The corn tortillas are 132 calories for two of them and contain zero fat. I made little corn tortilla tacos topped with fat free sour cream and sprinkles of 2% fat shredded cheese. Here's what the nutritional values look like:

1 cup Corn Flakes w/fat free milk - 160 calories 0 fat
coffee 20 calories 0 fat
1 cup of ground prepared ground chicken 301 calories 17 grams of fat
1/4 cup shredded 2% fat cheese 80 calories 5 grams of fat
3 corn tortillas 198 calories 0 fat
3 tablespoons of fat free sour cream 30 calories

Medium sized potato 164 calories .5 fat
1 tiny box of raisins 45 calories 0 fat
1 cup diced onions 64 calories 0 fat

1 cup of sugar free Mandarine Oranges 40 calories 0 fat

grand total 1102 calories 22.5 grams of fat

I danced around to a great techno song "One Night in Bangkok" by Global Deejays for 11 mins. The song is awesome, and I just might do one more dance before I go to bed.

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