Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 10 of My 30 Day Diet

As I write this entry, my butterscotch nibbles are chilling on top of the counter. That should give you a clue as to how well this day of dieting went for me. It started off really well, and then I got to my night class. One of my classmates had a batch of butterscotch nibbles that drew attention from other classmates. Soon, I could not resist the excitement, and I asked to sample the treat. It was dee-lish, and it was addicting. I couldn't bring myself to ask for more, so I sat the rest of the hour craving more and planning my stop to the grocery store later. Needless to say, I am now way over my calorie and fat allotment for the day. I'm not going to bother stating what I ate, but I will post the recipe.

Butterscotch Nibbles

1 package of butterscotch morsels
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup chocolate chips
8 cups of Chex Cereal

simply heat the peanut butter and butterscotch in the microwave for a minute and afterwards stir in the cereal and chocolate chips. Spread onto wax paper to chill.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Common Ignorance

About three weeks ago, my niece called me to tell me about something that happened to her at her school. This year is her first year in high school. She was really excited about being in the ninth grade, and for the first few weeks, all I heard from her were good stories about her days in the ninth grade. But, three weeks ago, she had a run in with an ignorant hall monitor. The hall monitor asked to speak with my niece; she wanted to know what nationality my niece was. My niece informed the hall monitor that she was half Pakistani and half African American. The hall monitored responded with, "Oh, well you can't wear that thing on your head. We have a no head dress policy." My clever niece responded by telling the hall monitor that she was Muslim, and that she was required to wear her hijab as part of her religion. The hall monitor scolded my niece and said, "Girl, when I asked you what your nationality was, you was supposed to say Muslim"
My niece was shocked that an adult could be so ignorant. But, unfortunately, I was not surprised. On more than one occasion someone has either assumed that I was from the middle east because of my head cover or asked me what my nationality was and then responded with, "Oh, I thought you were Islamic" when I inform them that I'm African American. Muslims are not a nationality; they are followers of the religion Islam. Yet, so many people assume being Muslim means to be Arab or foreign, not American, and frequently, not black.
There are millions of Muslims living in America. Muslims come in all races and nationalities, and their presence exist in every state across the country. If this is the case, why is ignorance of the Islamic cultural so prevalent, especially in US public schools? Muslim girls should not have to be singled out and told they can't wear their hijabs because of "No Hat" policies. Teachers and staff at public schools should be educated about Muslim students' First Amendment rights to practice their religion without interference from the government, and they should recognize a Muslim girl when they see her in her hijab. I'm sure that most teachers would clearly recognize a Jewish student in a yarmulke. How is it that in this day in age, especially after all of the publicity Muslims have received in the media since 9-11, people are still ignorant about Muslims and their cultural traditions?

Day 9 of My 30 Day Diet

I'm not going to check my weight again until Sunday; I have been so rushed in the mornings that it has been hard to even take the time to get on the scale. Today, I stayed within my calories, but I had too much sugar. Tomorrow I need to make it a healthier meal day.

Corn Flakes 160 calories 0 fat

4 long stick pretzels 200 calories 1 fat

Candy - 400 calories worth 11 grams of fat

Chicken Sandwich 300 calories 7 grams of fat

Granola Bar 100 calories 3 grams of fat

1160 22 fat

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 8 of My 30 Day Diet

This morning I was upset to see that I weighed 129.2. I felt extremely bloated, and I know it is from all of that greasy popcorn I ate last night at the movies. Oh well, nothing that I can do except keep on trucking.
Today I did well and got back on track.

Corn Flakes 160 Calories 0 fat - I find that Corn Flakes make me feel full for longer throughout the day than waffles.

pretzels 100 calories .5 fat

Monster Coffee 1/2 100 calories 1.5 fat

Chicken Sandwich w/potatoes on the side- 420 calories 13 grams of fat

blow pop - 45 calories
Jolly Ranchers - 50 calories
Granola bar - 100 calories 3 grams of fat

Total 975 calories 18 grams of fat

Happy Dieting. Goal for next week 127 by Sunday.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 7 of My 30 Day Diet - Cheat Day!!!!

A diet isn't a diet without a cheat day. I like to have my cheat day on the weekend. Today was that day. I started off healthy, and I didn't overeat throughout the day. But, this was because I was saving my cheat moment for the movies. That's right. Buttery, salty, crunchy movie popcorn, that is what I was looking forward to eating all day. It was great. The movie was good too. If you haven't seen Surrogates, go see it. Bruce Willis still manages to look good even when he looks bad. I wonder what his diet is like...

1 waffle w/sugar free syrup 110 calories 3 fat
1 veggie sausage patty 70 calories 3 fat
1 slice of wheat toast w/jelly 100 calories .5 fat

4 corn tortillas with leftover ground chicken, 1/4 cup of 2% cheese, 2 tablespoons of sour cream- 545 calories 22 grams of fat

4 pretzel sticks 200 calories 2 grams of fat
blow pop - 45 calories zero fat

Movie Popcorn - approximately -580 calories 47 grams of fat.

Ridiculous- I'm not even going to bother adding it all up.

How to Fight Back in The War on Pork

After a trip to the grocery store and finding almost every common grocery store packaged product has either enzymes, mono-diglycerides, or natural flavors, I became even more determined to find a way to get the FDA to mandate products be clearly labeled "Contains Pork" or "Contains Animal Products."

The majority of cheese products list enzymes as an ingredient. Enzymes can come from the porcine enzyme which is derived from pigs, or the enzymes can come from other sources, such as cows or vegetables. How are consumers supposed to know if the enzyme comes from a pig or cow or vegetable? It's nearly impossible without calling the product distibutor and trying to get someone to inform you. This is just ludicrous. Muslims, Jews, and Vegetarians should not have to call the distributor of every product that they wish to purchase. It's not only unrealitic for them to do so; it is also fundementally unfair. Grocery shopping shouldn't be a research project.

There are a few ways that consumers can fight back. First, contact the FDA and file a dispute. The more people we have out there contacting the FDA about this issue, the better our chances are at bringing about a change. Second, start filing more lawsuits. To do this, you must do some more research, but it's worth it. McDonalds paid out ten million to compensate Hindus and Vegetarians who were upset about the fries being cooked with beef in the vegetable oil. Call up a pizza restaurant and order a vegetarian pizza. Then, investigate whether or not the cheese has been made with animal enzymes. If they have been, you now have a case. You can do this with almost any product that claims to be vegetarian. Chances are that thousands of companies are putting out products that supposed to be vegetarian but have been made with some type of pork by-product in the seasoning or cheese. Third, stop buying products that list enzymes, natural flavors, or mono-diglycerides in the ingredients. If more people refused to purchase these items, it will eventually put a dent in the pockets of the people distributing items with natural flavors, enzymes, and mono-diglycerides. While it is true that more people would continue to abstain from purchasing the items if the product had a label stating that it contained animal or pork products, companies have altneratives so that they can regain income- they can stop using pork and other animal products and use vegetable products instead. This may cost the company a little more money than the cheap pork alternative, but paying more to make more is a part of business.

Help fight the war on pork. Spread the work about enzymes, natural flavors, and mono-diglycerides. Fight against companies that claim to be vegetarian when they aren't. And, stop buying products that are likely to contain pork because the product contains enzymes, natural flavors, or mono-diglycerides.

If you know of other names of ingredients that contain pork, please list them in the comment areas.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 6 of My 30 Day Diet

This morning the scale showed 128, and yesterday I was 127.4. I'm sure that I have not gained weight, so I'm thinking it's from all of the liquid I continued to drink last night. I'm not really worried about it. Today, my friend told me I was going crazy with my blog. So, tonight, I'm going to get straight to the point. Here is what I ate today:

Corn Flakes w/fat free milk 160 calories 0 fat

Chicken breast (140 cal 3 fat) Pita (90 cal 0 fat) filled with cucumbers (10 cal), tomatoes (20 cal), onion (20 cal) and fat free sour cream (20 cal) - 300
Potatoes sprayed with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and seasoned (200 cal)

mini Baby Ruth - 50 cal 2.5 fat
Tootsie Pop 50 cal 1 fat
veggie bacon bits 60 2
Coffee 20 calories

grand total 840 calories 8 grams of fat. I am way under my calorie and fat allotment, but it is fifteen minutes until midnight, and I'm too tired to eat.

Google Me Google You

Have you ever googled yourself? I think my mother googled herself before I googled myself. She told me to look up her name on Google; she wanted me to see that a Google search would bring up information about her and the book club she started for children. I did the search, and it was true- a google search of my mother's name brought up several links that were actually related to her. So, tonight rather randomly I googled me. I typed in my name Zarinah Muhammad, and taaa daaa, the return brought a few links truly related to me. The second link was more about my dad than me; I was just listed as one of his daughters when he passed away.

There were several links that were not about me but about other women who share my name. I find that rather puzzling, other women sharing my name. When I was a little girl, I never met another Zarinah, yet alone another Zarinah Muhammad. When I was 18, a sister from the masjid told me that she named her daughter Zarinah. I remember feeling a little irritated by it. I liked that my name had always been unique and original. Someone else having it seemed to diminish my name's value. When I was 19 years old, I went to audition for Singled Out, that old MTV show with Jenny McCarthy, and I saw my name on the audition list; only it was the signature of some other girl who was a year younger than me. That shocked me. I was like, "Wow, a Zarinah living in Las Vegas who shows up the same day as I do to audition for Singled Out!" It was really crazy to me. Years later, I called California traffic court about a ticket I received while driving through Baker. The officer on the phone pulled up another Zarinah Muhammad who had also gotten a ticket; however, she was three years older than me. Again, I was amazed. I wasn't the first Zarinah Muhammad? I know that it was narcissistic of me to want to believe that I had been the first Zarinah Muhammad to have ever existed, but my whole life, it had felt like I was.

I wasn't surprised tonight when I saw the significant numbers of Zarinah Muhammads out there. I was surprised, however, to see Zarinah Muhammad, J.D. It was like seeing myself in the future. I know it's weird and silly, but I felt like it was a sign, this sign that everything is going to turn out the way I want it, a sign that I'll finish law school. I clicked on the link of Zarinah Muhammad, J.D., and it brought up a pdf page from Alabama Metropolitan College listing Zarinah Muhammad, J.D., research analyst, office of of institutional research, planning and assessment. The connection between the Zarinah Muhammad, J.D. and myself continued to strike me.

When I was working on my doctorate degree, one of our professors stated that with our Leadership doctorates we could one day work in the field of institutional research; listed above Zarinah Muhammad, J.D. is Mark A. Cunningham, PhD. The funny thing is that the two together merge two aspects of my life, my past and my future. Before I got accepted into law school, I was working on getting my doctorates degree. I knew that I wanted to be a lawyer, but I didn't want to waste time that I could be spending earning my doctorate if by chance I was not accepted in the Boyd Law School at UNLV. So, I continued on with my doctorate program until I learned that I had made it into law school. The day the acceptance letter arrived, I remember being so nervous after pulling it out of the mailbox. After I read it, I felt my heart skip with joy in circles for days, never ending. I still smile when I think of how blessed and happy I felt knowing that I was being given the chance that I had always wanted. I wonder if the other Zarinah Muhammad felt that way when she got her acceptance letter from law school, and I wonder how she met up with the institutional research doctorate.

I wish now that I had never went to work on my doctorates because that is why I don't have anymore financial aid eligibility. If I hadn't taken loans out for the year I spent on my doctorates, I would have enough to get me through at least another full year of law school. Although when I really think about it, there is a good chance that having that year of school towards my doctorates under my belt was a part of the reason I was accepted into Boyd. It's probably best just to be grateful and lose the regrets.

Googling yourself may not bring up information that you wanted to see, and it may bring up information that you wish weren't there; but, googling yourself allows you to see something greater: a view of the many possibilities of you. Right now, I'm Zarinah Muhammad high school English teacher and law student. Three years from now, I pray to be Zarinah Muhammad, J.D. and mommy.

Google yourself, and post here in the comment area the types of people out there that share your name. Who are the Google Yous?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 5 of My 30 Day Diet

Weight this morning: 127.4
Weight yesterday morning: 127.9

Fridays are my favorite day of the week. Usually, Friday is the hardest diet day because of the feeling of a need to celebrate the weekend. However, today I did quite well. I started the day off right with a cup of Corn Flakes for breakfast and a cup of coffee. The coffee I sipped on throughout the morning, and it abated my hunger. I didn't bother with a snack at all which is a little amazing. After work, I made dinner instead of lunch. I had a medium sized potato which I sliced and fried in I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray (ICBINB) with garlic pepper seasoning, garlic salt, raisins, and diced onions. I then cooked some ground chicken, again fried in ICBINB, and included some taco seasoning. To accompany the chicken, I heated up three corn tortillas. The corn tortillas are 132 calories for two of them and contain zero fat. I made little corn tortilla tacos topped with fat free sour cream and sprinkles of 2% fat shredded cheese. Here's what the nutritional values look like:

1 cup Corn Flakes w/fat free milk - 160 calories 0 fat
coffee 20 calories 0 fat
1 cup of ground prepared ground chicken 301 calories 17 grams of fat
1/4 cup shredded 2% fat cheese 80 calories 5 grams of fat
3 corn tortillas 198 calories 0 fat
3 tablespoons of fat free sour cream 30 calories

Medium sized potato 164 calories .5 fat
1 tiny box of raisins 45 calories 0 fat
1 cup diced onions 64 calories 0 fat

1 cup of sugar free Mandarine Oranges 40 calories 0 fat

grand total 1102 calories 22.5 grams of fat

I danced around to a great techno song "One Night in Bangkok" by Global Deejays for 11 mins. The song is awesome, and I just might do one more dance before I go to bed.

How Obama's Plan Helped Modify My Loan

In April 2008, I sent a letter to my lenders requesting a permanent postponement of the impending increase in my mortgage payment amounts. I purchased my home in June of 2006 for 270,000. Like so many Americans, I was eager to purchase a home and obtained an Accelerated Rate Mortgate otherwise known as an ARM loan to do so. My realtor assured me that after two years I would be able to refinance my home and get into a fixed rate loan so long as I made my payments on time. By the April of 2008, it was clear to me that I was not going to be able to refinance my home although I had made the payments on time. At that point, my house had already lost $50,000 in value from the time that I purchased it, and housing prices were continuing to rapidly decline. Because I was upside down in my loan, I could not sell the property unless my lender would agree to a short sale. I was warned that if I did a short sale on my home I would still face paying taxes on the deficit between what I sold for and the amount that I paid to purchase the home. Knowing that my ARM was set to go into effect in June 2008, I sought to protect myself in advance.
My loan increased in July 2008, and I had yet to hear back from my lenders about my request despite several attempts to get an answer from them. They continued to tell me that my request was under review. Over ten months later, my lenders told me that my request was denied and that they could not modify my loan because I did not make enough money to show that I could afford the home. It seems oxymoronic when you think about it. Lenders will not help lower the payments of existing homeowners if the homeowner does not make enough money. It seems obvious to most people that the way lenders reason is counter productive. Obviously if I made more money, I would not need a loan modifcation to begin with. I was furious that it had taken almost a year to get back a response only to be denied.
When my request was denied, and my loan payment increased for a second time within a year period, I decided to make a drastic decision. I was going to stop paying my mortgage. A few people from home modification companies told me that the lenders didn't see any reason to work with people who were continuing to make payments; in the eyes of the lender, I was paying, and therefore, I did not need a modification. Another reason that I stopped paying my mortgage was because I didn't see the point in continuing to make payments on a home that the ARM payments were going to force me out of eventually. And, to top it off, houses on my block were being sold for over $100,000 less than what I originally paid for my home.
My hopes were dismal. I didn't know what to do, and I was too embarrassed about my situation to tell anyone. I called several companies for help, and I was told that because of my debt-to-loan ratio, I would not be able to qualify for a modification. My lenders advised me to short sale, but I wanted to keep my house. It was my home afterall.
Help finally came when Obama was elected into office and enacted the HOPE for Homeowners Plan. At first, it didn't seem any lenders were going to use it, but then it became mandated for lenders to try to help homeowners stay in their homes. I hired an attorney to help me modify my loan. At first, I was leary because of all the modification scam artists out there, but after careful research, I found a legitimate attorney who had a moneyback guarantee.
Getting a modifcation offer took longer than the attorney originally stated it would take. I was told it would take from four to six months. It was over six months before I got a modification offer from my second lender. The offer stated that after I made three probationary payments on time (this is a part of the Obama plan), then my mortgage would be modified. Last month, I made the final probationary payment, and my loan modification is currently underway.
The lender on my first loan, the primary lender, only now has just offered me a forebearance plan. It contains the same probationary period payments, and then after the three month probationary period, my loan is to be modified to a fixed amount, God willing. The lender did include a warning that after I submit the documentation required to get the probationary period started, I might still be denied if the documentation I send doesn't qualify me for a modification. My attorney believes I will qualify, and I'm praying that I do.
I still don't know what my ultimate mortage payment total will be, but I do know that whatever the payment is, it will remain the same for the rest of the life of my loan without any increases- And, that is a good thing. The forebearance payment on my first loan is already $600.00 less than it was prior to my obtaining a lawyer. I'm praying for good things to happen for me and all others in my same predicament.
I wanted to share my story so that others who are facing foreclosure know that there is really hope for homeowners to save their homes. It is likely that if you are a homeowner facing foreclosure you will have to hire a lawyer to get your mortgage modified. Lenders are more likely to negotiate with a trained attorney than a desperate homeowner with little knowledge of the current laws.
Best of luck.

Demand Letter Sent to FDA

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Zarinah Muhammad, and I am a Muslim US citizen. I would like to bring a dispute against the FDA for allowing food and product distributors to disguise pork ingredients under aliasas that the average consumer would never associate with pork. Consuming or using products that contain pork ingredients is prohibited by the Islamic and Jewish faiths. Muslims and Jewish consumers are being denied their 1st Amendment Right to practice their faiths because they are being unduly burdened by companies that do not clearly label their products as containing Pork ingredients. For example, many breads contain mono-diglicyerides which may may come from pork. Because the average Muslim or Jewish consumer has no background knowledge about mono-diglycerides, he/she may buy bread products containing the ingredient unaware of the fact that the ingredient is derived from swine. A Muslim or Jewish person should not have to possess the vocabulary awareness of a food scientist to be able to practice his/her faith freely. Just as consumers with food allergies to soy, lactose, or peanuts have the right to be clearly warned of such contents in a product, so are Muslim and Jewish consumers entitled to the same clear warnings about pork ingredients being in products. Surely the right to be warned of something that endangers someone's deep rooted religious convictions is tantamount to the right to be warned of an ingredient that may endanger someone's health. Products that contain peanuts or soy are clearly labled without aliases; however, products that contain pork have ambiguous and vague name labeling.
I urge the FDA to cease allowing companies the ability to use vague and ambiguous names for pork ingredients on their labels. If products do contain pork, the ingredient label which is meant to inform consumers about what they are eating should be just as transparent as those products containing soy or peanuts. The label should clearly state "Contains Pork." Muslims cannot have any type of contact with pork products, this includes products made by using pork enzymes or other similar bi-products. Muslim and Jewish consumers have a Constitutional right to practice their religions without undue burden. When products have labels that require the consumer to do extensive research in order to discover the product contains pork, there is an undue burnden placed upon Muslim and Jewish consumers, a burden that is not placed on consumers with food alergies to soy and peanuts. This is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and also the 1st Amendment.
I request that the FDA immediately reform their mandates to obligate companies to clearly print "Contains Pork" on the labels of products that use any pork products in the making of the product; this includes not only food products but any and all other products that use pork ingredients, such as body soaps, shampoos, and toothpastes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 4 of 30 Day Diet.

Weight this morning 127.9
Weight yesterday morning 128.8

I was almost there, and then I crashed. This morning, I left my house in a haste without time to meal plan or cook breakfast. Luckily, I had a granola bar in my purse and pretzels in my desk at work. But, by the end of the day, I had major cravings for something sweet and chocolate flavored. I think these cravings may have been brought on by my lack of hydration; I hadn't had any water or anything else to drink yet. Or, maybe the cravings were hitting me because I knew that I was going to be baking brownies today. I bake brownies once a month and distribute them to my students with birthdays that month. The kids love them, but they're not the only ones. I adore brownies, especially topped with Hagen Daz Coffee Ice Cream. Hmmmm....sigh.
I got home from my cleaning at the dentist (my gums hurt) and set to baking. Once I got the batter all whipped up and placed in a pan to bake, I couldn't resist licking the spoon and whisk. I should have known then that I wasn't going to make it through the day without eating one of the brownies. But, trying to do the right thing, I made dinner, a hot dog on a slice of bread with mustard, ketchup, and onions, and 1/4 cup of baked fries. My dinner was good, but I still had a sugar craving. I had tasted the batter and it was like heroin. I needed more. Still resisting the urge, I carried a box of Mike n Ikes and a blow pop with me to class so that I wouldn't eat the brownie. I was low on fat grams left for the day, but I had the calories to spare; that is why I went for the Mike n Ikes, just sugar, no fat. After class, I got home, and I thought that I would have a bowl of cereal to satisfy my sugar craving, but after one bowl, the craving only intensified.
I don't know why I even tried to fight it. When I finally gave in and ate a brownie, I realized it was all worth it. It was pretty dang dee-licious. Sometimes you have to give in to your cravings, or like me, you'll overeat in other areas trying to resist, and just end up way over your calorie and fat limit instead of just a little over. If I had eaten the brownie when I first had the craving, I would never have eaten the Mike n Ikes or the blow pop, and probably not the cereal either. We'll see how it all affects my weight tomorrow. The breakdown of my food journal today is below:

granola bar 100 calories 3 fat grams

pretzels 230 calories 2 fat grams

Lunch/Dinner = Linner
hot dog 90 calories 9 fat grams
Bread 120 calories 2.5 fat grams
ketchup 30 calories 0 fat
mustard 0 calories 0 fat
Baked Fries 75 calories 4 fat grams

Mike n Ikes 130 calories 0 fat
blow Pop 30 calories 0 fat

Cereal 320 3 fat grams

Brownie 170 calories 8 grams of fat

coffee 20 calories 0 fat

grand total 1,315 calories 31.5 grams of fat

Ultimately not horrible, but I still fell off the wagon. Sometimes, the closer I get to the weekend, the hardest it is to stay dedicated. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

The Attack of the Pig on Muslims, Jews, and Vegetarians!!!

Who expects to be consuming pork ingredients when they're drinking a beverage? Most people would never think that when they are drinking a smoothy they might be imbibing pork bi-products. But, the unfortunate reality for many people who do not want to ingest pork products is that pork ingredients are in a plethora of products that most people would never think contained any animal product, let alone pork. Pork ingredients are no longer listed on lables as Pork. This is a travesty because it inhibits many people, especially Muslims and Jews whose religious faiths prohibit the consumption of any pork products, from being able to make the decision to refrain from eating or drinking pork products. The entire purpose of a label is to inform the consumer of the ingredients within a product so that the consumer knows what he/she is eating. "In 1990, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act went in effect. The USDA and the FDA designed the requirements so that consumers would have useful information about the food they eat." Health Check Systems: What's in a Label?( The purpose of a label is undermined by ambiguous and vague ingredient names, such as rennet, mono-diglycerides, and porcine enzymes. The average person would never associate pork with mono-dyglcerides. The majority of people who don't want to eat something will observe the product label to see if the unwanted ingredient is listed. If it is not, that person will buy the product, but if it is listed, then the person will not make the purchase. With the knowledge that millions of people, such as the masses of Muslims and Jews, will not purchase a product if Pork is listed as an ingredient, companies have become sneaky and underhanded about their product labeling. Instead of labeling pork ingredients as pork, companies have created new names for pork products that consumers have no background knowledge about to trigger an association with pork. For example, gelatin is made from animal hide, skin tissue or bones. Most often, it is made from a pig's hide, tissue, or bones. If a person does not know this about gelatin, he/she may eat a product, such as yogurt or Gelato, and unknowingly and against his/her will consume a pork product. Even people who have no prohibition against eating pork are unaware when they are. For example, Skittles contain gelatin, and whenever I tell someone that I can't eat Skittles because they have pork in them, the people are amazed and surprised that Skittles have pork. Mono-diglycerides may come from an animal source, such as the pig or cow, or it may come from a vegetable source. However when the ingredient is derived from a vegetable source, the product states vegetable mono-diglycerides. Natural flavors is perhaps the most ambiguously named ingredient; it could imply natural flavors from vegetables, fruits, or animal products or a combination of the three. When a consumer sees natural flavors listed on the label of a fruit juice, he/she would likely conclude that the natural flavors were derived from a fruit, when it is very possible that it is actually from swine. Food distributors have a significant awareness of the mass amount of Muslims, Jews, and Vegetarians who do not wish or desire to eat products containing pork products. Yet, these companies continue to disguise pork products under the aliases that the average consumer would never associate with swine. By allowing companies to list pork ingredients under aliases without notifying the consumer that the products contain pork, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is allowing these companies to infringe on the civil rights of consumers with religious or personal convictions against eating foods containing pork ingredients. A religious conviction against eating pork is analogous with having a food allergy to an ingredient. Just as consumers with allergies to specific ingredients are entitled to a clear indication of the inclusion of that ingredient on the label of the product that contains it, so are Muslims, Jews, and Vegetarians entitled to the same right to avoid an ingredient that their religious faiths or personal convictions prohibit them from consuming. The right to guard ones health is no more important than the right to practice ones faith without undue burden. All people must eat, and all people have a right to be able to refrain from eating an ingredient that they don't want to take in. When food companies label their ingredients with ambiguous names, they cause many consumers to unintentionally violate their religious faiths.

When consumers who have against their wills eaten an animal product come to realize that the seemingly innocuous products they've been ingesting contain unwanted animal products, they become offended and outraged. In the 90's McDonalds was sued by Hindus and Vegetarians who were incensed when they found out that a beef addictive was an ingredient in the natural flavors of the oil the fries were cook in. In 2007, many Muslims were furious when they found out that many Frito-Lay Products contained pork. According to Aurora Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for Frito-Lay, the majority of cheese products are made with by using an enzyme that may come from pork; the pork enzyme is used in the milk that goes into making the cheese seasoning. Abdelkader, Rima. Muslims now in their late twenties complained on their blogs that they were upset because they had been eating these Frito-Lay products that contained pork since they were kids. I myself ate Skittles until I was 13 years old. For more than a decade, I ate pork without knowing it. That is how long a pork product can remain hidden in a product before the consumer finds out that he/she has been eating it, decades. Muslims, Jews, and Vegetarians have been eating products that contain pork for decades without knowing and against their will.

Through the method of disguising pork ingredients under aliases, companies are denying citizens a right to choose to refrain from eating swine. People should not have to be food scientists in order to be able to refrain from eating pork products. Products that contain soy or peanuts have the ingredients clearly identified as containing Soy or Peanuts on the label. Soy is not disguised in a name like mono-diglycerides or rennet or natural flavors, and neither are peanuts. Products that contain pork ingredients should be labeled with the same transparency.

I believe that the FDA is obligated to mandate that food distributors label ingredients that contain animal products clearly as either containing pork or beef. I intend to fight for this cause, and God willing, there will come a day when reading labels doesn't require a degree in bio-chemistry in order to avoid eating animal products.

To see Frito-Lay products that do not contain pork read my blog

If you like this article, please donate.

Abdelkader, Rima

Health Check Systems: What's in a Label?(

Frito-Lay Products That DO NOT Contain PORK.

Many Muslims have stopped eating Frito-Lay products because they have heard that the products contain pork. Frito-Lay has a page listing of their products that do not contain porcine enzymes which come from pork. A lot of the Frito-Lay favorites do not contain pork. Cheetos puffs are one of my favorite Frito-Lay products, so I was happy to see it on the list of products that DO NOT contain Pork. The Frito-Lay list of products that do not currently contain pork are posted below. However, they have a disclaimer warning consumers to keep checking the website for updates in case the product ingredients change. Here is a link to the Frito-Lay site:

Products Made Without Porcine Enzymes

  • Most cheese is made using enzymes as part of the process to develop unique flavors, and depending on the flavor, enzyme sources may include vegetable, microbial and/or animal. Pork enzymes may be used in the milk that makes the real cheese for some of our cheese seasonings.

    Please note: The information provided pertains only to products made and distributed in the U.S. Products sold in other countries under similar brands may be made using slightly different recipes and ingredients to accommodate local needs and preferences.

    For those in the U.S. choosing to restrict pork-related ingredients from their diet, the Frito-Lay products included here do not contain pork enzymes. Another guide that may be helpful is the list of Kosher products which may also be found on this website.

    Products Made and Distributed in the U.S.

    Last Updated September 3, 2009

    BAKED! CHEETOS® Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks
    BAKED! LAY'S® Barbecue Flavored Potato Crisps
    BAKED! LAY'S® Southwestern Ranch Flavored Potato Crisps
    CHEETOS® Asteroids 100 Calorie Mini Bites Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Asteroids Mini Bites Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Chile Limon Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Crunchy Cheesy Cheddar BBQ Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Crunchy Mozzarella Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Crunchy Wild White Cheddar Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Crunchy Salsa Roja Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Giant Puffs Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Giant Puffs Flamin' Hot Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Natural White Cheddar Puffs Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Puffs Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHEETOS® Twisted Cheese Flavored Snacks
    CHESTER'S® FLAMIN’ HOT® Flavored Puffcorn Snacks
    DORITOS® Collisions Cheesy Enchilada & Sour Cream Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Collisions Hot Wings and Blue Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Collisions Pizza Cravers and Ranch Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Collisions Zesty Taco and Chipotle Ranch Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® COOL RANCH® Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Diablo Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Jalapeno Cheese! on Golden Toast Flavored Crackers
    DORITOS® Last Call Jalapeno Poppers Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Salsa Verde Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Spicy Sweet Chili Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Tacos at Midnight Flavored Tortilla Chips
    DORITOS® Toro Habanero Flavored Tortilla Chips
    FLAT EARTH® Tangy Tomato Ranch Flavored Baked Veggie Crisps
    FRITO-LAY® BBQ Sunflower Seeds
    FRITO-LAY® Flamin' Hot Sunflower Seeds
    FRITO-LAY® French Onion Dip
    FRITO-LAY® Sunflower Seeds
    FRITOS® Bar-B-Q Flavored Corn Chips
    FRITOS® Bean Dip
    FRITOS® Chili Cheese Flavored Corn Chips
    FRITOS® Flavor Twists Honey BBQ Flavored Corn Chips
    FRITOS® Hot Bean Dip with Jalapeno Peppers
    FRITOS® Mild Cheddar Flavor Cheese Dip
    FRITOS® Spicy Jalapeno Flavored Corn Chips
    FUNYUNS® Flamin Hot
    FUNYUNS® Onion Flavored Rings
    LAY'S® Barbecue Flavor Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Cheddar & Sour Cream Artificially Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Chile Limon Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Cracker Crisps Zesty Herb & Parmesan Flavored Baked Snack Crackers
    LAY'S® Flamin' Hot Flavor Potato Chips
    LAY'S® French Onion Flavored Dip
    LAY'S® Hot & Spicy Barbecue Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Kettle Cooked Jalapeno Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Kettle Cooked Mesquite BBQ Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Kettle Cooked Sweet Chili & Sour Cream Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Limon Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Natural Country BBQ Thick Cut Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Sour Cream & Onion Artificially Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® STAX® Hot'n Spicy Barbecue Flavored Potato Crisps
    LAY'S® STAX® Mesquite Barbecue Flavored Potato Crisps
    LAY'S® STAX® Ranch Flavored Potato Crisps
    LAY'S® STAX® Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potato Crisps
    LAY'S® STAX® Sour Cream & Onion Flavored Potato Crisps
    LAY'S® Sweet & Spicy Buffalo Wing Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Wavy Hickory BBQ Flavored Potato Chips
    LAY'S® Wavy Ranch Flavored Potato Chips
    MAUI Style Onion Flavored Potato Chips
    MAUI Style Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potato Chips
    MISS VICKIE'S® Country Onion with 3 Cheeses Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
    MISS VICKIE'S® Creamy Buttermilk Ranch Kettle Cooked Flavored Potato Chips
    MISS VICKIE'S® Hand Picked Jalapeno Kettle Cooked Flavored Potato Chips
    MISS VICKIE'S® Salty Sweet Kettle Corn
    MISS VICKIE'S® Sea Salt & Vinegar Kettle Cooked Flavored Potato Chips
    MISS VICKIE'S® Smokehouse BBQ Kettle Cooked Flavored Potato Chips
    ROLD GOLD® Buffalo Wing Pretzel Waves
    ROLD GOLD® Butter Flavored Checkers Pretzels
    ROLD GOLD® Cinnamon Braided Twists
    ROLD GOLD® Garlic Braided Twists
    ROLD GOLD® Honey Mustard Tiny Twist Pretzels
    ROLD GOLD® Honey Wheat Braided Twists
    RUFFLES® Authentic Barbecue Flavored Potato Chips
    RUFFLES® Cheddar & Sour Cream Flavored Potato Chips
    RUFFLES® Sour Cream & Onion Flavored Potato Chips
    RUFFLES® Queso Flavored Potato Chips
    SABRITAS® Chile Piquin Flavored Potato Chips
    SABRITAS® Habanero Limon Flavored Potato Chips
    SABRITAS® Picante Peanuts
    SABRITAS® Salt & Lime Peanuts
    SABRITONES® Chile & Lime Puffed Wheat Snacks
    SMARTFOOD® Reduced Fat White Cheddar Cheese Flavored Popcorn
    SMARTFOOD® Sour Cream & Onion Popcorn
    SMARTFOOD® White Cheddar Cheese Flavored Popcorn
    SUNCHIPS® French Onion Flavor Multigrain Snacks
    SUNCHIPS® Spicy Chipotle Flavor Multigrain Snacks
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Hot Chunky Salsa
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Medium Chunky Salsa
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Mild Chunky Salsa
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Medium Black Bean & Corn Salsa
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Medium Picante Sauce
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Mild Picante Sauce
    TOSTITOS® All Natural Medium Pineapple & Peach Salsa
    TOSTITOS® Creamy Salsa
    TOSTITOS® Creamy Southwestern Ranch Dip
    TOSTITOS® Creamy Spinach Flavored Dip
    TOSTITOS® Flour Tortilla Chips
    TOSTITOS® Monterey Jack Queso Dip
    TOSTITOS® Restaurant Style with a Hint of Lime Tortilla Chips
    TOSTITOS® Spicy Nacho Dip
    TRUE NORTH® Almond Cranberry Crisps
    TRUE NORTH® Almonds Pistachios Walnuts Pecans
    TRUE NORTH® Mixed Berry Crisps

    All Frito-Lay products are labeled accurately with the most current ingredient information. Frito-Lay makes every effort to maintain this list; however, since the ingredients in our snacks are subject to change at any time, we recommend that you check the label on a specific product for the most current and accurate nutritional information. If you need assistance, please contact Frito-Lay Consumer Affairs toll-free at 1-800-352-4477 Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Teeth Falling Out Dream

Almost everyone I know has had a dream about their teeth falling out. Sometimes it's just one tooth that falls out; sometimes that tooth doesn't fall out but just becomes lose. Other times, the dream is about a bunch of teeth beginning to fall out all at once. My dream last night was one of the worst teeth falling out dreams that I've ever had, and I've had quite a few of them.
It started with one tooth. I thought that it was just a crown coming lose, but then it progressively got worse. I could feel several of my teeth coming lose, and it was like my mouth was filled with brittle ivory teeth and gushy gums. I began spitting the teeth out into my hands. But, no matter how many teeth I spit out, there were still more coming lose. At some point in the dream, I went to the mirror to look into my mouth and found that my teeth were all crooked, not just my teeth but the inside of my entire inner jaw. It was as though the interior of my mouth was becoming deformed. I wanted to get to the dentist immediately, but my appointment was two days away, and I couldn't get in for an emergency visit. Part of me had accepted that I would need dentures while another part of me continued to be in disbelief. The part of me that was in disbelief must have alerted my conscious mind because something told me that this was all a bad dream and to wake up. And, then I did. Nothing beats the relief of still having your teeth after a dream of losing them all.
Last week during my tort law class, I was chewing on a Now-a-Later when I suddenly found myself munching on a metalic tasting crown. I immediately spit the candy into my hand, and there was my crown sticking right in the purple sticky mass. At first, I was so stunned that I shoved the crown into the zipper pocket on my purse. But, later during the class, I became self conscious, and I wondered if when I opened my mouth to speak everyone could see the big gaping black hole in between my teeth. So, I removed the crown from my purse and went to the restroom. Part of me was afraid of what I was going to see when I looked into the mirror. I was expecting a dark nasty hole in my gums, but all I found was a little tooth, just barely smaller than the ones that surrounded it. I fit the crown back into place and went back to class.
That night I considered super gluing my crown back into place. I felt overwhelmed with the thought of having to make time to go to the dentist and on top of that, having to pay a co-pay. I even Googled to see if others had super glued their crowns back in themselves. I found a few people that had, but my own fear and perhaps common sense won out, and I decided to schedule an appointment with my dentist. That night I went to bed worried that my crown would come off again while I slept, slip down my throat, and cause me to choke in my sleep. Seems almost funny thinking about that fear now, especially considering my dentist had a hard time getting my crown back off to re-glue it in. Thankfully, he didn't charge me, but he did make me schedule in a cleaning. I'll be going in for that tomorrow.
The teeth falling out dream is so common amongst members of society that it provokes me to wonder what the dream means and why do so many people have it? Maybe my dream was brought on by the crown coming lose incident, or maybe because I've been thinking about my upcoming dental cleaning. But, maybe it is something even deeper. In dream books, I have read that the teeth falling out dream symbolizes something bad is about to happen or the dreamer is worried about something. There's no doubt that I have been carrying around a lot of worry these past days. But, somehow after waking up with all of my teeth firmly in my gums this morning, I feel blessed and less stressed.
Smile. Even when it's bad, life is still good.

Day 3 of My 30 Day Diet

When I weighed myself this morning, I was 128.8 which means I am losing water weight. I think that the water weight is residual left over from my monthly cycle that just ended four days ago. I tell you this because I don't want you to expect to lose over two pounds a week. It's not healthy to do so, and it's not realistic to expect to lose weight super fast. Before I began fasting, I weighed 123. After I ended the Holy Month of Ramadan, I weighed 131.8. I can't attribute all of those extra pounds to water weight gained during my cycle; it's more likely that I truly gained at least 5 pounds.
Studies show that lifting weight helps people lose weight faster. Yesterday, I did arm curls with my 5lb weights: 3 sets of 10. That was my workout. Hey, every little bit counts, and a little exercise is better than none at all. That should be your mantra. Every little bit counts. Whenever you can, you should try to incorporate some form of physical activity into your daily routine beyond what you already do. I decided to carry my backpack instead of rolling it to class today. It's a pretty heavy load with the thick law books inside, and I felt good knowing that I was burning more calories than I normally would by walking a good five minutes carrying at least 5 pounds.
Today, my diet consisted of similar meals as yesterday, right down to the pretzels. The same student who requested to have some of my pretzels yesterday came today with his hand outstretched. Again, I made him wait until after class before allowing him to indulge in my snacks. He once more proclaimed that he was really hungry. I think I might have a permanent lunch buddy on my hands.

Here's what I ate today:
1/4 egg beater - 30 calories 0 fat
1 waffle 90 calories 3 fat
1 tbsp syrup 15 calories 0 fat
1 tbsp veggie bacon bits 30 1 fat
165 calories 4 fat
10 honey wheat pretzels 110 1
275 calories 5 fat
SeaPac Shrimp Co. Salmon Burger 110 calories 3 fat
1 tsp honey 20 calories 0 fat
1/2 cup of rice 230 calories 1.5
coffee (1/4 ff milk) 20 calories
655 calories 9.5 fat
2 Tootsie Rolls 26 calories 1 fat
681 calories 10.5 fat
Dinner (1/2 Tuna Sandwich)
1 slice of bread 120 calories 2.5 fat
1 slice of 2% swiss 70 calories 4.5 fat
1 tbsp Miracle Whip 40 calories 3.5 fat
1/4 cup Albacore Tuna 60 calories 1.0 fat
971 calories 22 fat
1 granola bar 100 calories 3 fat
1071 calories 25 fat

I'm under 1200 calories, but I have reached my fat limit. I might chomp on some cucumber slices just to get my calorie intake up without taking in more fat. Or, I might just go to bed. I'm pretty tired. Goodnight, and happy dieting.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day Two of My 30 Day Diet

Weight this morning 130.8
Weight yesterday 131.8
7.8 lbs to go
I'm feeling quite proud of myself because I'm taking back control of my weight, one day at a time. Okay, so I know it is only the second day, and yes, there are twenty-eight more days to go, but I feel confident that I will succeed with this endeavor- God willing of course. Really, who knows? If something else in my life goes terribly wrong, I may just hit the donuts and roll over and play dead. Today on my way home, I received a call from my roommate telling me the power was off. I immediately did a recount of all of the bills I paid this month, and after going through my mental checklist, I felt confident that I had paid the power bill, the past due portion at least. When I pulled up into my driveway, I was on hold with the power company. In my head, I had prepared everything I was going to say, like, "I paid my power bill before the date on the disconnection notice, so why is my power turned off?"
I walked into the house and immediately located my power bill receipt. Ah hah! I knew that I paid it. I rushed to show my roommate the evidence. I am not a complete loser after all, and I did not forget to pay the power bill. Turns out that there was a power outage in the neighborhood. Binge moment narrowly averted. I made a mental note to carry pretzels for those moments of panic and stress.
As I mentioned in my do's of the diet, it is best if you do plan what you're going to eat. This helps prevent you from starving at some point of the day and giving in to a fatty-sugar-sugar-and-more fat craving. Yesterday, I planned out my meals for today. What is so awesome about this diet is that even if you do plan, you can change the plan whenever you want. Just make sure you stay within the 1200 calories and within the allotted 25 grams of fat. If you check out my blog on low fat meals, you can see get ideas on how to plan out your low fat meals. Here is the plan I came up with:

Breakfast - 1 waffle (110 calories 3 fat g) 1/4 cup of Egg Beater scrambled (30 calories 0 fat) - I had 1 tablespoon of sugar free syrup 0 calories 0 fat. I used the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray (ICBINB) on the waffle and egg beaters, sprinkled salt and pepper on the eggs, and it was all dee-lish. It felt like a breakfast with a lot of fat, but it was far from it.

***Cooking tip - spray the waffle with ICBINB on both sides before putting it in the toaster. This cooks in the buttery taste, and it also crisps the waffle. ***

***Legal Note - I relinquish all responsibility for any toaster fires that may result as a consequence of you following my cooking tip. :) ***

Snack - 10 honey wheat pretzels (110 calories 1 fat g) - Just after the end of third period, I pulled two pretzels from the bag to snack on. A student walked in at that moment and shouted, "Gimme some!"
I used to be shocked when students demanded to have some of my personal food; now I've gotten used it. I handed over one of the two pretzels in my hand and proceeded to walk to the classroom door. Teachers are told to stand at the door in between periods to make sure no trouble breaks out outside. As I stood there, the student who demanded some of my pretzels stood with me recounting his minimal breakfast, a small piece of bread. He wanted more of my pretzels. I told him that he could eat at lunch like everyone else, and he told me that he didn't have lunch nor any lunch money. He also reiterated how hungry he was. I offered him half of my half of peanut butter/jelly sandwich that I had brought for lunch, but he declined. He told me he didn't like p&J sandwiches, and I retorted with, "Then you're not that hungry."
He smiled at that before going into his story about why he didn't like p&j sandwiches. Coincidentally, he and my mother share the same reason for their shared dislike of p&j sandwiches; both their mothers overfed them p&j sandwiches morning, noon, and night because that was all that was available. I felt sorry for him and for my mother at this point, so I told him that at the end of the period, I would give him some more pretzels. I ended up giving him the entire rest of the bag after grabbing a five more for myself. I didn't eat 10 pretzels yet, but I plan to add the 3 more to my snack later.

Lunch - 1/2 p&j sandwich, yum. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are one of my favorite lunch meals, but they are very high in calories and fat, and that is why I could only indulge in a half then, saving the other half for later. I use the low fat peanut butter; it has 6 grams of fat in 1 tablespoon, and I only used 1 tablespoon- no spreading it on extra thick. My bread has more fat in it than most breads. It has 2.5 grams per slice and 120 calories. Most bread is only 1 gram of fat per slice and 100 calories. The jelly is 50 calories for a tablespoon and has no fat. An entire p&j sandwich would be 385 calories and 11 grams of fat. So half of that is approximately 192 calories and 5.5 fat grams.

Afternoon Snack - I ate a little 100 calorie bag of Cheeze-its later in the day. It had 3 grams of fat.

So, by then end of my work day, my food calorie total was 542 and fat gram total was 12.5.

That leaves me with 658 calories and 12.5 fat grams for dinner and a late night snack. Some people could consume the 658 easily in one meal. But, if you're a smart dieter, you know how to spread them out. I have class in a bit here, so I have not yet finished off the day. However, I'm going to post the plan for the rest of my day, and I'll update if it changes.

Dinner - (Update) I ended up having the Garden Veggie Burger Patty (no bread) and a side of 1/2 cup of Cheddar Broccoli rice. First I heated the burger in the microwave for 1 min 30 seconds. Afterwards, I added 1/2 cup of prepared cheddar broccoli rice to the dish and I got a little wild and added just a drizzle of honey over the veggie burger before heating the rice and veggie burger for an additional 40 seconds. Turns out that a drizzle of honey over a veggie burger adds a whole new dimension of tasty goodness. This dinner was only 350 calories and 5 grams of fat.

After Dinner Snack - the other half of my p&j- yeah baby! 191 calories 5.5 fat grams (Update!) I ate this sandwich after class, so a little late at night. Probably not such a great idea to eat after 9 p.m., but I wasn't hungry during class thanks to my great dinner beforehand.

Coffee with 1/4 cup of fat free milk - Yes, I like coffee after dinner with two Splendas and milk. 25 calories 0 fat.

(Note) I drank 3 (1/2 liter) bottles of water today.

And, if I'm still not satisfied, I will have 5 more pretzels (really 8, but I already accounted for the other 3 earlier). 55 calories and .5 grams of fat. (Updated) I didn't have the pretzels. I was just not hungry enough.

I feel like a pig looking at all that food I plan on eating, but check it out- I am still under 1200 calories at 1118 calories, and under 25 grams of fat at 23

And that is the beauty of this diet. You can eat all day and enjoy the foods you like if you just plan it right.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Delicious and Easy Low Fat Meals

Butter- most people love it. Without butter sliced bread is just dry old toast. Giving up the taste of butter is what makes many diets drab and boring. But, there is a solution. If you haven't heard of or been introduced to I Can't Believe It's Not Butter the Spray, then you need to rush out to your nearest grocery store and pick up a bottle. It's absolutely a Godsend to dieters and healthy food eaters everywhere. I don't mean to sound cheeky, but really, you won't believe that it's not butter. Be sure to get the spray and not the spread. The spread has fat and calories while the spray tastes just as great and has no calories or fat. I'll say it again- the spray tastes just like butter but contains zero calories and zero fat.
Now, why would I begin this post with a rant about spray butter? Well, because the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray is the key to many great tasting low fat meals. You might say that it's going to be a staple food in your diet. Another thing you want to pick up is Crisco Butter Flavored Cooking Spray. The key here people is that we don't want to fry our foods in fatty vegetable oil unnecessarily. Lets save our fat allotment for something better. Below are some of my own personal low fat recipes. You can tweak them as you like, but just be sure to stay within your calorie and fat allotment. If you like to eat six times a day, you can't have more than 200 calories a meal. If you like to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks, make the meals about 300 calories each and the snacks 125. You can manage your calories and disperse them however you choose so long as you don't go over!!!

1. Honey Fried Tilapia: Two 4 oz pieces of Tilapia 100 calories a piece 2.5 fat grams, three tablespoons of Zatarain's Fish-Fri Batter, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1/2 cup I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray (ICBINB). Take the pieces of Tilapia and cover them in the Fish-fri; if pieces are not wet enough, spray them a bit with ICBINB. Pour the 1/2 cup of ICBINB in a pan and heat on medium high flame. After the ICBINB starts to sizzle a little, put in the fish. Cook the fish for 2 minutes on each side. Then, drizzle the honey over the fried fish until all of the honey is gone. Cover the pan, and allow the fish to fry for another minute; flip the fish again, cover the pan, and cook for one more minute. This meal is 335 calories total and only 5 grams of fat. You get the great taste of fried fish without using oil.

2. Scrambled eggs with corn tortillas, fat free sour cream, and fat free cheese - If you choose, you can use 1 large egg or 1/2 cup of egg beaters. Obviously the egg beaters will have less fat, so if you want to save your fat allotment, you should go with the beaters. In a pan, pour about 2 tablespoons of ICBINB, and then, fry 2 corn tortillas, 1 at a time. Cook the corn tortillas to your desired amount of crispiness. I enjoy mine pretty crispy. In a separate pan, pour 1 tablespoon of ICBINB, and either scramble 1 large egg or scramble 1/2 cup of egg beaters. When the eggs are done put them on top of the corn tortilla and add fat free sour cream and fat free cheddar cheese for a great low fat breakfast. If you use 1 large egg and 2 corn tortillas 1 tbsp of fat free cream cheese and 1/4 cup fat free cheese, your meal will will be 222 calories and 4.5 grams of fat; if you choose the egg beaters, your meal will be 212, and 0 grams of fat!!! This meal is also good if you have some Del Taco Mild sauce to add to it.

3. Garden Veggie Burger with Swiss Cheese - Hmmm, I love this one, and it's quick and easy. Don't be put off by the veggie burger. I have tried my share of veggie burgers, and this one is one of the best out there. It's not gross; I promise. Here's what you need, 1 Morning Star Garden Veggie Patty, 1 slice of Kraft 2% Swiss Slice, 2 slices of bread, 1 tablespoon of Miracle Whip, 1 slice of tomato, 1 slice of onion. Microwave the Garden Veggie Patty and then fry in a pan of ICBINB for one minute. Add the slice of cheese onto the patty as it sits in the pan. Spread the Miracle Whip on a slice of toasted bread, add the tomato and onion, and put it all together in a sandwich. It's dee-lish. Total calories 250 calories and 11.5 grams of fat.

More Meals Coming Soon!!!

Day 1 of My 30 Day Diet - Food Journal #1

Who isn't in a rush these days? I know that I am. Eating breakfast is one of the hardest things for me to schedule in. I'm up by 5 a.m. and rushing to get ready for work and out of the door by 6:20. If I'm lucky and if I plan, I can have breakfast at home. Today I was not lucky. I woke up late, and then, I went back to sleep for ten more minutes, making myself even more late. So, needless to say, I did not have time to make any breakfast. I did grab a lunch box Yohoo and a bottled water before setting off to work. I am a teacher, so in my classroom, there is a steady supply of sugar. I have an entire drawer of sweets. I tried to hold out, but by the end of fourth period, I gave in. I didn't worry too much about having the snacks because I knew I could cut calories later on my real meals. When I got home from work, I snacked on some pretzels before making dinner. The pretzels tasted great, and I made a mental note to bring some to work tomorrow. Pretzels are a better snack than Now-a-Laters. Dinner was great and extremely filling. I had a bottle of water before dinner, and that helped satiate my appetite. I feel that this day has gone well, and I'm going to go dance in my garage for ten minutes before heading out to law school. The specifics of my food journal are below.

1. Two Now-a-Laters at 13.3 calories a pop and 1 fat gram for 9 = 26.6 calories and 0 fat
2. One Airhead at 60 calories for the stick and 1gram of fat = 60 calories 1 fat
3. Two pieces of bubble gum at 20 calories a piece 0 fat= 40 calories 0 fat
4. Five Mambas at 19 calories a piece and approx 2 fat grams=95 calories 2 fat
5. 18 honey wheat pretzels 198 calories and 2 grams of fat= 198 2 fat
6. Two pieces of 4oz Tilapia fried with I Can't Believe It's
Not Butter Spray, seasoned with Fish Fry Batter,
& 1 tablespoon of butter. 335 calories 5 g fat
7. 1/2 cup of Lipton's Cheddar Broccoli rice 130 calories 1 fat.
8. Yohoo Chocolate Drink 100 1 fat
9. Two .5 liter bottles of water N/A
10. laffy taffy and tootsie roll - 55 calories 1 fat
1016.6 13 fat g

So, as you can see, I wasted a lot of my calories on junk food today during work, but it still didn't hurt my overall calorie intake. Tomorrow I am going to try to lay off the sugar and eat healthier snacks. It is 10:30 p.m., and I'm going to prepare my lunch for tomorrow. I am going to follow my own advice and plan ahead. I know this will help me avoid resorting to the candy drawer. 1 Day down- 29 to go.

Today's beginning weight was: 131.8 lbs
Pounds away from goal: 8.8

Do and Don'ts of the 30 Day Diet

We probably all wish that there was the miracle diet that had all do's and no don'ts. Do eat as much chocolate as you want; do eat all the fat you like; do eat morning, noon, and night. Unfortunately, most diets are more don'ts than do's, and dieters have to give up many of their favorites without much return. My diet has its do's and a few don'ts. Luckily, the don'ts are not that bad and not that many.
---The Don'ts----
1. Don't drink calories unless you really must. This diet, like any efficient diet, is based on limiting calories and fat intake. Drinking calories is a waste unless your drink really keeps you feeling full.

2. Don't eat fast foods unless it is your cheat day. This is common sense. Fast food is chalked full of calories and fat.

3. Don't eat more than 25 grams of fat per day, and don't consume more than 1200 calories. This is the rule you must follow. It doesn't matter what you eat, sugar, carbs, whatever- just stay within your allotment for fat and calories.

4. Don't forget to keep track of your calories and fat intake.

----The Do's----

1. Drink plenty of water. It's best if you drink a small bottle of water or .5 liters with each meal. The water will help keep you feeling full, and it will help you rid your body of toxins and fat.

2. Plan ahead. Eating on the fly is what puts on the weight. If you plan your meals in advance, you won't overeat or binge at the last minute. See my blog on quick low fat meals.

3. Try to be active during your day. If you can't hit the gym, try doing some jumping jacks, running in place, some squats, or just dance like maniac in your living room for ten minutes.

4. Eat. I know it seems obvious, but some of us think that starving is the best way to go. It's not.

5. Schedule in a cheat day. All work and no play is never fun, and the same goes with dieting. Scheduling in a cheat day allows you something to look forward to, and when things get rough, that cheat day is the like the light at the end of the tunnel.

6. Eat what you want so long as you manage your portions.

7. Keep track of what you eat, even the small things like gum, and write it down in a food journal. This really helps. You will find yourself refusing foods because you don't want to have to add them to your calorie log. It also helps because as the pounds start to fall off, you can go back and see what you were doing right.

Okay, so that is the diet in a nutshell. The trick to this diet, aside from following it, is really the cooking. I have found great ways to eat under 1200 calories and 25 fat grams a day, and I'm going to share them with you as I go. Keep checking back for more updates.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer begins with a bit of humor and a warning to those who might be in the mood for a good old fashioned boy meets girl love story; the narrator says it right up front- this movie is not a love story. But, as you sit watching our main character, Tom Hansen, recall his days falling for a blue eyed flighty creature named Summer, it is hard not to find yourself wanting to believe that this movie will have a fairytale happy ending. 500 Days of Summer is a movie that does an excellent job of depicting the harsh reality of falling for that person you believe is the one only to discover that you are just another person who is not the one on that person's quest for his/her other half.
Tom Hansen works for a greeting card company although his degree is in architecture. He meets Summer when she is hired to be an assistant for Tom's boss. Summer claims to be uninterested in love; in fact, she is a firm believer in the view that love doesn't exist. Tom on the other hand has an idealistic view of love. He believes in things like fate and destiny. Tom is certain that Summer is the one. And when Summer confides in Tom, telling him information that she has never told anyone before, Tom begins to believe that he is the one for Summer.
Unfortunately for those of us who enjoy idealism winning over reality, 500 Days of Summer provides the viewer with an hard honest look at love and relationships. There is a lot of humor in the movie, and despite the not-so-happy ending, 500 Days of Summer was worth the $10. I give it a B+. Here is a link to the trailer

The Thirty Day Diet That Has Always Worked For Me

When life starts to get out of control, or rather, when you start to feel like you are not in control of the things happening in your life, I have found that one of the best things to do is to try to gain back control over one element of your life at a time. One thing that I have always been able to take back control over (after I have lost it) is my weight.
I am not one of those people blessed with a fast metabolism. If being able to gain weight fast were a game, I would be a major contender. I also do not have an abundance of time to spend in the gym. And, even if I had the time, I am not a big fan of exercise altogether. Putting on weight has always been easy for me, and that is why I was once always on the look out for diets that worked. Five years ago, I stumbled onto a diet that finally did the trick. I was 160 pounds, and I am only 5'2. You can picture in your mind how chubby I must have been, a porty shorty. I hadn't realized that I had gotten so fat until a friend of mine asked me, "Why are you gaining weight?"
The question was a tough blow to my ego, but it was just the shove I needed to push me in the right direction. I immediately set a goal to lose at least thirty pounds in three months. I lost them in two. Granted, I did work my butt off in the gym for at least an hour a day to lose the pounds so fast. However, I used the same diet plan a year ago, only without the extensive workouts, and I had great results. I could lose 7-10 pounds in a month without a heavy workout routine.
Every now and again, an unwanted pound will creep its way back into my jeans. Whenever I start to notice the pounds coming back, I revert to my handy-dandy diet that never fails.
The time to diet has come again. The Holy Month of Ramadan has just ended. Many people have the misconception that after a month of fasting during daylight hours, Muslims will have lost tons of weight. This has never been the case for me. In fact, it's always quite the opposite. Because I could not eat during the day, and because I did not have time to cook before class, by the time the sun set, I was starving and I ate what came quick and readily available: junk food. At one point during the Month of Ramadan, I baked a pound cake. I'm embarrassed to admit this, but over the course of the Holy Month, I ate a slice of that cake almost every night until I had eaten almost the entire cake to myself. Amazing and disgusting, I know. It wasn't a surprise to me that by the end of the month of fasting, I had gained seven unwanted pounds; my poor hips and stomach were the innocent victims. They never stood a chance against the butter and sugar in that pound cake.
Hope is not lost. I like a challenge that I know I can overcome when I'm faced with so many other obstacles that feel utterly impossible to deal with. My plan is this: tomorrow, Monday, September 21, 2009, I will post my current weight; I will also begin posting a food journal daily. If I do exercise, I will post the details of the workout. God willing, thirty days from tomorrow, I will have shed the seven pounds that I gained, and then I will work on losing another five- Thanksgiving is just around the corner; it's better to lose the weight prior to gaining it.
What I am hoping is that YOU will join me on this journey. If my diet plan works, then I would love to share it. If you do decide to follow my diet, please post your results or lack there of. Feel free to comment with any questions you may have. Tomorrow's post will contain more detail about the do's and don'ts of the diet and a few sample meal plans. FYI, this diet will contain no pork or beef products as I do not consume those foods. However, you can include whatever foods you wish so long as you follow the main rules of the plan.
Check back tomorrow for my guide to losing weight easily.

Friday, September 18, 2009

29 and Counting...

I have twenty-seven more days left as a twenty-nine year old. The reality of thirty is right around the corner, but the current pressure of figuring out bills and paying for law school is keeping me rather distracted. I'm not sure that I would care much about turning thirty even if my attention were not diverted. I have accepted aging as being a redundant part of everyday life. Really, the only good thing about keeping track of ones age is that it is away to measure achievement. Certain ages are like benchmarks. When a girl reaches twelve, she looks forward to getting her period. This is when she will consider herself a woman. She'll stand in the mirror for hours at a time, critiquing her hair, the size of her breasts, the roundness of her stomach. And, at that time, thirty is a million years away.
The next benchmark is the ripe old age of sixteen, the age to obtain ones driver's license and gain access to the roads of freedom. Passing the test is only the first step; the important step is getting a car. Some women never own a car. Some women never even learn how to drive. And, I know that even if I shouldn't, I feel like I somehow surpassed those women in life when I successfully met and accomplished those goals.
After sixteen, it's the countdown to eighteen, the age of majority in most states across the U.S.. I couldn't wait to turn eighteen because I had the naive notion that that was when I would be an adult. Little did I realize that I had years of growing up to do before I would really mature into a grown woman. Nevertheless, I dreamed of reaching eighteen and being able to make my own decisions, move out on my own, and go after my dreams and aspirations. I used to imagine that by eighteen I would have sold my first screenplay. I still haven't.
Twenty-one, now that is the age that begins the beginning of the end, yet so many of us couldn't wait to see that birthday. The world of the underground opens up at the age of twenty-one. There is no more worrying about being carded, no more fake I.D.s, no more benchmarks that you're excited to reach. I think we would all stay twenty-one if we could.
After twenty-one the benchmarks become a little less glamorous, and instead of looking forwarding to doing things, people become obsessed with the things that they haven't done. For example, if you're not married or at least in a serious relationship by the age of thirty, people begin to wonder what's wrong with you, and you begin to wonder the same. This day in age it is highly possible to be divorced with two kids by the age of thirty. If you don't have a family by thirty, then you hope that you can at least say that you have a career. Not having a family nor a career by thirty, puts you in the potential loser category; or, maybe you just haven't grown up yet. If you're still living at home and haven't moved out of your parents' house by thirty, you're really pathetic. And, if for some reason you're thirty and unemployed, well... you better at least be disabled.
When I was sixteen, I owned my own car, and I had a full-time job. I worked forty hours a week at Target. When I was seventeen, I entered my first year of college and had an apartment with a friend. By the time I was twenty-five, I had a masters degree. At twenty-six I purchased my first home. And, at twenty-seven I started law school. It is safe to say that I feel that I've done a good job at meeting my benchmarks. And if thirty is the age to have a complete meltdown, I just might make that one as well.
The truth is that I think that I've done pretty well for myself so far, and I am approaching thirty with a healthy confidence in my ability to keep up with my peers in the 25-30 age group. The problem is that I'm also on the brink of losing all that I've worked so hard to gain. If benchmarks were a belt on my waist, I'd be dropping pounds fast and losing notches. Like many Americans, I am facing the possibility of losing my house. The payments skyrocketed when the ARM went into effect, and my teacher's salary has only increased by one-hundred and twenty dollars in the last two years. I retained an attorney to help me try to persuade my lenders to modify my loan, but the lenders are being difficult to say the least.
On top of the house being near foreclosure, I am struggling to maintain a revolving payday loan. It is my own fault for wanting to travel to Europe over the summer. I've been paying the price ever since. Keeping up with the payday loan payments, utility bills, a cell phone bill, cable bill, car payment, insurance, and mortgage- well, I'm not keeping up, and that's the problem. To add icing on the cake, I have to figure out how to pay for law school.
As frightening as aging might be for some women, at this point I have bigger demons to contend with. Turning thirty is the least of my worries.